79/A/E/2, GT Road (W), Serampore Hooghly, (W.B.)
To provide learning support as well as psychological counselling to students, the counselling cell of the school.
We assist you with complete admission guidance at every step. When it comes to studying in healthy environment.
primary education from the age of five to twelve, coming after preschool and before middle or secondary school.
Our commitment extends beyond traditional classroom boundaries. We provide comprehensive support services
The school has excellent infrastructure facilities for quality education and sports. We have excellent infrastructure.
Maharishi Arvind Group has set its goal to be a leader in providing quality education and training.
Maharishi Arvind School belongs to the non profitable organization which came into existence in 1975.
Maharishi Arvind School offers many Programs and Courses
Maharishi Arvind School Provides many best educational resourses.
In Maharishi Arvind School we focus on student's skill development
In Maharishi Arvind School we focus on Latest Technology and IT
In Maharishi Arvind School we focus on student's career and development
In Maharishi Arvind School we focus on events and communities
We are here to answer your questions 24/7
Our commitment extends beyond traditional classroom boundaries. We provide comprehensive support services
We aspire to turn out individuals who are multi-dimensional in their interests, are excited about the pursuit of knowledge, have a broad world view, can think out of the box and are driven in whatever they may choose to do.
To strive for the strong foundation for young learners which will facilitate them to become creative and loyal citizens imbued with love and concern for others, spiritual sensitivity and a sense of personal freedom; liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; equality of status and of opportunity and fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of nations.
Discover comprehensive programs and courses to enhance your knowledge and skills, whether you're pursuing a certificate, or seeking professional development designed to meet the specific educational.
We aim to provide a conducive atmosphere that would enable each child to realize his potential and his latent talents. We emphasize on maintaining high academic standards. The school instills in each child a desire for excellence, secular ethos, care for the less privileged, love for adventure, and sensitivity towards the environment. We aspire to provide an open-ended teaching pedagogy which increases the creativity.
If you have any query please don't hesitate to ask, feel free for any query!