Examinations & Promotions

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Examinations & Promotions

Galvanized by the indoctrination of Sri Aurobindo, The Maharishi Arvind Group promulgated its arrival in 1975 in Jaipur.

The institute elevates and upgrades various genres of meritocracy and technical educational development. Maharishi Arvind School belongs to the non profitable organization which came into existence in 1975 has the glorious history of more than 47 years.

Maharishi Arvind School has dedicated a separate section for the list of Examinations & Promotions.


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Why People Choose Us?

Our commitment extends beyond traditional classroom boundaries. We provide comprehensive support services

Our Best Infrastructure

The school has excellent infrastructure facilities for quality education and sports. We have excellent infrastructure.


Growth & Team Help

Maharishi Arvind Group has set its goal to be a leader in providing quality education and training.


Test Prep and Exam

Maharishi Arvind School belongs to the non profitable organization which came into existence in 1975.



    • 1)   There will Be Two Periodical test, a half yearly and a yearly examination pattern as per CBSE norms.
    • 2)   Students must pass in the aggregate for each subject. For promotion to the next grade at MPS a minimum of 33 per cent marks in each subject is a must. This applies to every student from grade one on.
    • 3)   Absence from one or more subjects involves the loss of grades for those subjects and excludes the student from being reckoned in the order of merit in the examination.
    • 4)   Pupils absent from an examination, for any reason, are not re-examined.
    • 5)   Those absent from a test because of illness must produce a medical certificate.
    • 6)   For sufficient reasons, such as unsatisfactory progress in studies, insufficient attendance, serious misconduct, etc. a pupil may be debarred from an examination.
    • 7)   No boy/girl without a minimum of 75 per cent attendance will be allowed to appear for the final examination.


    • 1)   At the end of the year promotion to the next grade will be decided on the basis of the whole year's work. Regular attendance and steady work, therefore, will be a condition for promotion.
    • 2)   Failure in two or more subjects renders a pupil liable to repeat his/ her class.
    • 3)   Consistent neglect of a subject will not be condoned, be it a core subject or an additional elective subject.
    • 4)   In view of the system of the year's average in determining eligibility for promotion, it will not be possible to hold retests. Thus results declared at the end of the year are final and will not be reconsidered.
    • 5)   A pupil who fails in several subjects throughout the year will have to leave the school. So, too, a pupil who fails a second time in the School.
    • 6)   The answer sheets of the final Examination will not be shown either to students or to parents/guardians.